Lord Jesus Christ, we are gathered here today as a spiritual family, and we put ourselves in your loving presence.
You have revealed to us the mystery of the love that burns in your Heart for all people, and your desire to reign in our souls and in society.
We feel called to deepen our understanding of the gift of Regnum Christi so that it bears fruit in our lives.
We ask that you send the Holy Spirit, so that through his light we can understand and love our charism and so that we may be always diligent to help our Church and the world around us as disciples of your Kingdom.
Through the example of Mary, we want to live this period of our lives, discovering and embracing the action of your Spirit by accepting your will with faith and praise for the great works that you have done and continue doing within us.
Lord, you are the center of our lives. With renewed love, we say: “Christ our King, Thy Kingdom Come!”
Lord Jesus, through the gift of baptism, we are children of God,
united in the Trinity and in the communion of the Church.
You have called us to Regnum Christi,
a spiritual family that wants to bring your love to all people.
Enlighten my eyes to see the gift that each person is.
Open my ears to listen to others’ needs.
Put your Word in my mouth to encounter my brothers and sisters.
Live in my heart to unite us in ideals, purposes, and efforts,
so that we may work together to make your Kingdom present.
Make me aware that communion is missionary
and that the mission is for communion.
Remind me, every time that I forget:
we are one Body in Christ, and the highest calling is
to love one another as you have loved us
so that the world may know your love.
Lord, you have given us the grace to belong to your Church and to participate in her in your mission to save mankind. Help us to know you better, to follow you more closely and to make you known to all people. Inspire us with courage and enthusiasm, so that we may befriend all those whom we meet and bring them closer to you. Never allow us to offend you in words or actions.
Keep us always close to you and make us strong members of your Church. Strengthen and increase your life in us, so that whatever we do may be done with you and for you.
Lord our God, you have placed the power of the Gospel as leaven in the world. Grant to us who are called to live in the midst of temporal cares that, enkindled by the fire of your Spirit, we may give ourselves passionately to the mission of making the Kingdom of Christ present in the world, so that he may be all in all.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.