You willed, O Lord, that your only-begotten Son should bear our infirmities, in order to show the value of illness and patience; now hear the prayers we address to you for our sick brothers and sisters, and grant to all who are subject to pain, affliction or sickness, the grace to feel themselves chosen to be among those whom your Son has called blessed, and to know that they are united to the passion of Christ for the redemption of the world. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
O God, provident refuge of those who suffer; hear the prayer we address to you for them. Calm and comfort the sick, the aged and the dying. Give to those who care for them wisdom and patience, tact and compassion. Inspire them with gestures that bring relief, words that enlighten and love that comforts. We commend to you the discouraged hearts, those in rebellion, torn by temptation, tormented by passion, wounded or profaned by the wickedness of men. Put within us, Lord, your Spirit of love, of understanding, of sacrifice, so that we may bring effective help to all those in suffering whom we meet on our way. Help us to respond to their call, for it is yours. Amen.
Lord, help us to face the difficulties, obligations and responsibilities that we have with a strong and serene spirit, and, consoled by you, may we know how to comfort our brothers and sisters. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.